Information about the OMID Foundation

The purpose of the Foundation is to help people in need, especially children and youth, in acute emergencies and to help improve their situation in the long term. The basic needs of children, their families and cohabiting communities should be fulfilled along with their abilities to contribute to the improvement of their cohabitation should be promoted. (Except from the Foundation’s Articles of Association)

Legal form: Foundation of Civil Law with its registered office in Munich in accordance with Section 80, 81 of the Civil Code

Gabriel von Seidl Straße 24

82031 Grünwald

Phone: +49 89 64 103 82

Fax.: +49 89 64 949 648



Tax recognition: The OMID Foundation is recognized as a non-profit and charitable organization at the Munich Tax Office for Corporations under tax number 143/235/78541.

Founding year: 2005 as a trustee foundation under the umbrella of the Children’s Fund

Since December 2019 transferred to the Civil Law Foundation

Foundation assets: 2,964,000.00 Euro (as of 31.12.2024)

Board members: Evelyn Taheri Simmendinger, Mustafa Taheri

Administration: The OMID Foundation is managed by the board members themselves, thus minimizing the administrative costs and even these, as well as all other costs such as advertising, travel and events, are financed by the founders themselves. This ensures that all incoming donations and income will be fully benefited from the carefully selected projects.