Since 2009 the OMID foundation has been cooperating with the Alavi Charity Institution of Azarshar. The city of Azarshar has provided a property in the vicinity of Tariz. On this site a home for single old me,n many of them suffering from Alzheimer, was constructed, later on a building for orphaned boys was added. Following that a three story building was built that accomodates 90 sick elderly women, they are cared for by about 15 to 20 women. After its completion, a house for girls was provided that had been living in a make shift accommodation in the boys’ home. This building also houses the sewing school for young women; we provided the needed materials such as sewing machines, fabric and sewing supplies.
In Autumn 2012 this province was hit by a disastrous earth quake which left many dead, injured and without a home. A new building that was desperately needed for the care of infants and small children was added to the facility.
OMID foundation has supported this project with EUR 101.503,00.